01162418078 | DUDLEY HOUSE LIMITED | Sheltered Accommodation | EDGWARE | | http://www.leicester.gov.uk | 01162418078 |
01215204726 | M&S MAINTENANCE LIMITED | Industrial Sewing Machines | EDGWARE | | | 01215204726 |
01228513106 | ANGEL LIMITED | Hairdressers | EDGWARE | | | 01228513106 |
01268247380 | CBT PACKAGING LIMITED | Packaging Materials & Services | MIDDX. | sales@cbtpackaging.co.uk | http://www.cbtpackaging.co.uk | 01268247380 |
01438740262 | CHOICE LANGUAGE SERVICES LIMITED | Translators & Interpreters | EDGWARE | | http://www.choice-languages.com | 01438740262 |
01462816444 | WINDOWS BY CHOICE LTD | Double Glazing Installers | EDGWARE | | http://www.windowsbychoice.co.uk | 01462816444 |
01463250272 | ANGEL LIMITED | Beauty Salons & Consultants | EDGWARE | | http://www.angelbeautysalon.co.uk | 01463250272 |
01494675211 | THE BEACONSFIELD WORKSHOP LIMITED | Car Body Repairs | EDGWARE | | http://www.thebeaconsfieldworkshop.co.uk/ | 01494675211 |
01617468290 | TOTAL BODY CARE LIMITED | Beauty Salons & Consultants | EDGWARE | | | 01617468290 |
01628604438 | SUE KNIGHT BOOKS & TALKS LIMITED | Training Services | EDGWARE | | http://www.sueknight.co.uk | 01628604438 |
01752782508 | ANGEL LIMITED | Hairdressers | EDGWARE | | | 01752782508 |
01827712663 | ANGEL LIMITED | Bars & Wine Bars | EDGWARE | | | 01827712663 |
01895621070 | G MUMMERY ROOFING LIMITED | Guttering Services | EDGWARE | | | 01895621070 |
01895885109 | G MUMMERY ROOFING LIMITED | Roofing Services | EDGWARE | info@gmummeryroofing.co.uk | http://www.gmummeryroofing.co.uk | 01895885109 |
01908249420 | TRANSACTOR LIMITED | Insurance Intermediaries | MIDDLESEX | | | 01908249420 |
01908270777 | CLIFFORD PACKAGING LIMITED | Cardboard Boxes | EDGWARE | | http://www.cliffordpackaging.com | 01908270777 |
01995670613 | KESTRAL HOMES LIMITED | Property Development | EDGWARE | | | 01995670613 |
02030922766 | TOTAL BODY CARE LIMITED | Beauty Salons & Consultants | EDGWARE | customerservice@totalbodycare.co.uk | http://www.totalbodycare.co.uk | 02030922766 |
02033759143 | CONKER NATION LIMITED | Scaffolding Erectors | EDGWARE | info@conkernation.co.uk info@julianstammers.co.uk | http://www.conkernation.co.uk | 02033759143 |
02035671207 | WRITTEN MEDIA LIMITED | Broadcasting Services | MIDDLESEX | | http://www.legalfutures.co.uk | 02035671207 |
02072423263 | J N JEWELLERY LIMITED | Jewellery Supplies | EDGWARE | | http://www.jnjewellery.com | 02072423263 |
02072673046 | ROKIT LIMITED | Ladies Clothes Shops | EDGWARE | | http://www.rokit.co.uk | 02072673046 |
02072876578 | CRISPY DUCK CHINESE RESTAURANT LIMITED | Chinese Restaurants | MIDDX | | | 02072876578 |
02073753864 | ROKIT LIMITED | Specialist Clothes Shops | EDGWARE | | http://www.rokit.co.uk | 02073753864 |
02074341888 | CRISPY DUCK CHINESE RESTAURANT LIMITED | Chinese Restaurants | MIDDX | | | 02074341888 |
02075803888 | CLAIRE RANDALL CONSULTING LIMITED | Marketing & Advertising Consultants | EDGWARE | info@claire-randall.co.uk julia@claire-randall.co.uk natalie@claire-randall.com | http://www.claire-randall.co.uk | 02075803888 |
02075866595 | PRIMROSE INTERIORS LIMITED | Interior Designers | EDGWARE | | http://www.primrose-interiors.com | 02075866595 |
02078366547 | ROKIT LIMITED | Specialist Clothes Shops | EDGWARE | | http://www.rokit.co.uk | 02078366547 |
02082010766 | EDISON CONSULTING LIMITED | Financial Advisers | EDGWARE | | | 02082010766 |
02082972333 | YOU DON'T BRING ME FLOWERS LIMITED | Florists | MIDDLESEX | | http://www.youdontbringmeflowers.co.uk | 02082972333 |
02083912979 | THE CASTING NETWORK LIMITED | Theatrical Agents | EDGWARE | | http://www.thecastingnetwork.co.uk | 02083912979 |
02084262040 | HAIR TOMORROW LIMITED | Hairdressers | EDGWARE | mikel@hairtomorrow.co.uk | http://www.hairtomorrow.co.uk | 02084262040 |
02084405225 | DAYCO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE LTD | Builders | EDGWARE | info@daycomaintenance.co.uk | http://www.daycomaintenance.co.uk | 02084405225 |
02084501523 | HOME CHOCOLATE FACTORY LIMITED | Confectionery | EDGWARE | enquiries@homechocolatefactory.com | http://www.homechocolatefactory.com | 02084501523 |
02084550015 | DOMUS ABROAD LTD | Overseas Property | EDGWARE | | http://www.domusabroad.com | 02084550015 |
02084553837 | WOODALL REFRIGERATION LIMITED | Electrical Appliances Retailers | EDGWARE | | | 02084553837 |
02085300701 | ANGEL LIMITED | Domestic Removals & Storage | EDGWARE | | | 02085300701 |
02085598686 | RGE SERVICES LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | EDGWARE | | http://www.rgeservices.co.uk | 02085598686 |
02087315288 | OAKLEY PROFESSIONAL RECRUITMENT LIMITED | Recruitment Consultants | EDGWARE | info@oprc.co.uk | http://www.oprc.co.uk | 02087315288 |
02087360444 | WRITTEN MEDIA LIMITED | Publishers & Publications | MIDDLESEX | info@writtenmedia.co.uk contact@legalfutures.co.uk | http://www.writtenmedia.co.uk | 02087360444 |
02087360463 | LEGAL FUTURES PUBLISHING LIMITED | Newspapers & Magazines | EDGWARE | contact@legalfutures.co.uk | http://www.legalfutures.co.uk | 02087360463 |
02088018600 | ROKIT LIMITED | Specialist Clothes Shops | EDGWARE | | http://www.rokit.co.uk | 02088018600 |
02089001100 | T & S ENTERPRISES (LONDON) LIMITED | Fish Wholesalers | EDGWARE | office@ts-ent.co.uk | http://www.ts-ent.co.uk | 02089001100 |
02089084148 | JALSA LTD | Confectionery | EDGWARE | | http://www.jalsafood.com | 02089084148 |
02089179196 | JALSA LTD | Confectionery | EDGWARE | | | 02089179196 |
02089616808 | CARLO MANZI LIMITED | Theatrical Services & Supplies | EDGWARE | | http://www.carlomanzi.com | 02089616808 |
02476274046 | CREATIVE GARDENS & LANDSCAPES LIMITED | Landscapers | EDGWARE | info@landscaperscoventry.co.uk | http://www.landscaperscoventry.co.uk | 02476274046 |
02476341119 | ANGEL LIMITED | Ladies Clothes Shops | EDGWARE | | | 02476341119 |
07737567300 | M&S MAINTENANCE LIMITED | Building Maintenance & Repairs | EDGWARE | | | 07737567300 |
07870265710 | ANGEL LIMITED | Psychics & Clairvoyants | EDGWARE | | http://www.angelclairvoyant.co.uk | 07870265710 |
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