01295250469 | JB CARS LTD | Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01295250469 |
01452227834 | CLOVERLEAF CAR SERVICES LIMITED | Garage Services | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.cloverleafcarservices.co.uk/ | 01452227834 |
01452410970 | CLOVERLEAF CAR SERVICES LIMITED | Garage Services | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.cloverleafcarservices.co.uk/ | 01452410970 |
01452507452 | DEAN HEALTHCARE SOUTH WEST LTD | Recruitment Consultants | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.deanhealthcare.co.uk | 01452507452 |
01452690035 | CADFAN LIMITED | Ventilation Services | MITCHELDEAN | sales@cadfan.co.uk admin@cadfan.co.uk | http://www.cadfan.co.uk | 01452690035 |
01452881001 | ALL FLEET SERVICES LIMITED | Call Centre Services | MITCHELDEAN | info@allfleetservices.co.uk info@procumaint.co.uk info@alltelemarketingservices.co.uk | http://www.allfleetservices.co.uk | 01452881001 |
01594541222 | VANTAGE POINT BUSINESS VILLAGE LIMITED | Office Rental | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.vantagepointbv.co.uk | 01594541222 |
01594541578 | FORWOOD ENTERPRISE LIMITED | Industrial & Trading Estates | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01594541578 |
01594542252 | MITCHELDEAN SOAP LTD | Gift Shops | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.morethanbubbles.co.uk | 01594542252 |
01594542597 | CELTIC CATTERY LIMITED | Catteries | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.celticcattery.co.uk/ | 01594542597 |
01594543484 | SIMPLY DESSERTS LTD | Catering - Food & Drink Supplies | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.simply-desserts.co.uk | 01594543484 |
01594544068 | HIGHVIEW CABLE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Electrical Components & Wiring | MITCHELDEAN | sales@highviewcables.com highviewcables@hotmail.co.uk | http://www.highviewcables.com | 01594544068 |
01594544806 | WYE TECHNOLOGY UK LTD | Electronic Engineers | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01594544806 |
01594544844 | FOREST GATE CHURCH | Places Of Worship | MITCHELDEAN | louise@forestgatechurch.org john@forestgatechurch.org workshops@forestgatechurch.org worship@forestgatechurch.org gatekeepers@forestgatechurch.org catering@forestgatechurch.org youth@forestgatechurch.org finance@forestgatechurch.org creche@forestgatechurch.org kidschurch@forestgatechurch.org littlesprouts@forestgatechurch.org technology@forestgatechurch.org social@forestgatechurch.org mission@forestgatechurch.org directors@forestgatechurch.org info@forestgatechurch.org | http://www.forestgatechurch.org | 01594544844 |
01594546115 | EXCALIBRE TECHNOLOGIES LTD | Exhaust Systems | MITCHELDEAN | sales@excalibretech.com | http://www.excalibretech.com | 01594546115 |
01594546311 | PVC EXTRUSION TOOLING LIMITED | Tool Suppliers & Services | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01594546311 |
01594546324 | MONUMENT GEOMATICS LTD | Land & Hydrographic Surveyors | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.monumentgeomatics.co.uk | 01594546324 |
01594546328 | REIGN BEAU LIMITED | Electroplaters & Metal Finishers | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01594546328 |
01594546426 | THE BESPOKE BREWING CO. LIMITED | Brewers | MITCHELDEAN | sales@bespokebrewery.co.uk | http://www.bespokebrewery.co.uk | 01594546426 |
01594546456 | MODULE IT LIMITED | Computer Systems | MITCHELDEAN | hello@moduleit.co.uk | http://www.moduleit.co.uk | 01594546456 |
01594546900 | CP GLAZING & WINDOWS LTD | Double Glazing Installers | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01594546900 |
01594837914 | DEAN HEALTHCARE SOUTH WEST LTD | Recruitment Consultants | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.deanhealthcare.co.uk | 01594837914 |
01594888322 | BROOK HOUSE ACCOUNTING SERVICES LIMITED | Bookkeeping Services | MITCHELDEAN | enquiries@bhaccounts.co.uk | http://www.bhaccounts.co.uk | 01594888322 |
01622843161 | GUNPOINT LIMITED | Pointing | MITCHELDEAN | enquiries@gun-pointltd.com | http://www.gunpointlimited.co.uk | 01622843161 |
01889565800 | GUNPOINT LIMITED | Pointing | MITCHELDEAN | enquiries@gun-pointltd.com | http://www.gunpointlimited.co.uk | 01889565800 |
01892541337 | VICTORIA STONE LIMITED | Fireplaces | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.victoriastone.co.uk | 01892541337 |
01912160505 | GUNPOINT LIMITED | Pointing | MITCHELDEAN | enquiries@gun-pointltd.com | http://www.gunpointlimited.co.uk | 01912160505 |
01922441986 | CADFAN LIMITED | Ventilation Services | MITCHELDEAN | sales@cadfan.co.uk admin@cadfan.co.uk | http://www.cadfan.co.uk | 01922441986 |
01964534802 | JB CARS LTD | Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles | MITCHELDEAN | | | 01964534802 |
02076247117 | JB CARS LTD | Airport Transfers | MITCHELDEAN | | http://www.jbcarservice.com | 02076247117 |
02392865267 | GUNPOINT LIMITED | Pointing | MITCHELDEAN | enquiries@gun-pointltd.com | http://www.gunpointlimited.co.uk | 02392865267 |
07703108568 | PHONETICA LIMITED | Automation Systems & Equipment | MITCHELDEAN | info@phonetica.co.uk | http://www.phonetica.co.uk | 07703108568 |
07971771733 | BEEGREEN LIMITED | Recycling | MITCHELDEAN | | | 07971771733 |
07989155019 | JB CARS LTD | Scrap Metal Merchants | MITCHELDEAN | | | 07989155019 |
08456026378 | FM SECURITY LTD. | Security Services & Equipment | MITCHELDEAN | sales@fmsecurity.co.uk | http://www.fmsecurity.co.uk | 08456026378 |
08456800687 | OVAL SERVICES LIMITED | Business & Industrial Removals | MITCHELDEAN | enquiries@ovalservices.co.uk | http://www.ovalservices.co.uk | 08456800687 |
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