01132192193 | SALON 27 LIMITED | Hairdressers | SEATON | | | 01132192193 |
01159272051 | SALON 27 LIMITED | Hairdressers | SEATON | | | 01159272051 |
01179276829 | ALUNA LIMITED | Bistros | SEATON | | http://www.aluna.uk.com | 01179276829 |
01209821868 | SUNNY DAYS NURSERY LIMITED | Day Nurseries | SEATON | contact@sunnydaysnursery.org.uk lee6126@gmail.com | http://www.sunnydaysnursery.org.uk | 01209821868 |
01227709631 | MASTER THATCHERS LIMITED | Thatching Services | SEATON | | | 01227709631 |
01245201793 | CHELMER IT SUPPORT LTD | Computer Repairs | SEATON | | | 01245201793 |
01245203529 | CHELMER IT SUPPORT LTD | It Support | SEATON | | | 01245203529 |
01245905625 | CHELMER IT SUPPORT LTD | Internet Services | SEATON | info@chelmerit.com | http://www.chelmerit.com | 01245905625 |
01274492044 | SEA FRESH LTD | Catering - Food & Drink Supplies | SEATON | | | 01274492044 |
01274724444 | SEA FRESH LTD | Cash & Carry | SEATON | | | 01274724444 |
01277227128 | SALON 27 LIMITED | Hairdressers | SEATON | | | 01277227128 |
01293540597 | PHOENIX AEROSPACE LIMITED | Aircraft Services | SEATON | info@phoenixaerospace.co.uk | http://www.phoenixaerospace.co.uk | 01293540597 |
0129720099 | BARREL OF BEER LTD | Pubs | SEATON | | http://www.barrelofbeer.com | 0129720099 |
0129720264 | MOUNTAIN GUIDES LTD | Outdoor Pursuits | SEATON | | | 0129720264 |
0129720328 | SEATON'S FISH BAR LTD | Fish & Chip Shops & Restaurants | SEATON | | | 0129720328 |
0129720661 | LYME BAY LINEN & LAUNDRY LTD | Laundries | SEATON | | http://www.linenandlaundry.co.uk | 0129720661 |
0129720662 | JUST FLOWERS (SEATON) LIMITED | Florists | SEATON | justflowersofseaton@hotmail.co.uk | http://www.justflowersofseaton.co.uk | 0129720662 |
0129720744 | JIMMY GREEN MARINE LTD. | Yacht Chandlers | SEATON | | http://www.jimmygreen.co.uk | 0129720744 |
0129720817 | R W DACK & SONS LTD | Builders | SEATON | | | 0129720817 |
0129721935 | ITEMDROP LTD | Games Shops | SEATON | info@itemdrop.co.uk | http://www.itemdrop.co.uk | 0129721935 |
0129722007 | LYME BAY STORAGE LTD | Domestic Removals & Storage | SEATON | info@lymebaystorage.co.uk | http://www.lymebaystorage.co.uk | 0129722007 |
0129722495 | REGENCY WINDOWS LTD | Double Glazing Installers | SEATON | | | 0129722495 |
0129722559 | P B HOME SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Kitchen Planning & Installation | SEATON | info@pbhomesolutions.co.uk | http://www.pbhomesolutions.co.uk | 0129722559 |
0129722602 | SEATON PRINT & DESIGN LTD | Printers & Lithographers | SEATON | | http://www.seatonprint.co.uk | 0129722602 |
0129722693 | LB REMOVALS LTD | Domestic Removals & Storage | SEATON | | | 0129722693 |
0129722772 | RPM MOTOR SERVICES LIMITED | Garage Services | SEATON | info@rpmmotorservices.co.uk | http://www.rpmmotorservices.co.uk | 0129722772 |
0129723034 | HARCOMBE ENGINEERING LIMITED | Steel Buildings | SEATON | | | 0129723034 |
0129723221 | JEAN BARTLETT COTTAGE HOLIDAYS LIMITED | Self Catering Holiday Accommodation | SEATON | | http://www.jeanbartlettcottageholidays.co.uk | 0129723221 |
0129723434 | THE BOATYARD AT BEER LIMITED | Boat Builders & Repairs | SEATON | | http://www.theboatyardatbeer.com | 0129723434 |
0129723515 | SALON 27 LIMITED | Hairdressers | SEATON | | | 0129723515 |
0129723535 | PINK HIPPO DAY NURSERY & PRE-SCHOOL LIMITED | Day Nurseries | SEATON | pinkhippodaynursery@live.co.uk | http://www.pinkhippodaynursery.co.uk | 0129723535 |
0129723661 | DEVON APPLIANCES LTD | Electrical Appliances Retailers | SEATON | | http://www.devonappliances.co.uk | 0129723661 |
0129724227 | THE AXE VALLEY HERITAGE ASSOCIATION | Museums | SEATON | | http://www.seatonmuseum.co.uk | 0129724227 |
0129724525 | MUNCH 2 GO LTD | Sandwich Shops & Delivery | SEATON | eat@munch2go.co.uk | http://www.munch2go.co.uk | 0129724525 |
0129724753 | AXE VALLEY HOME CARE LIMITED | Home Care Services | SEATON | | http://axevalleyhomecare.co.uk | 0129724753 |
0129724787 | ROGER ADAMS CONSTRUCTION LTD. | Builders | SEATON | | | 0129724787 |
01297301137 | LYME BAY STORAGE LTD | Storage | SEATON | | | 01297301137 |
01297301380 | LYME BAY AUCTIONS LTD | Domestic Removals & Storage | SEATON | info@lymebayremovals.co.uk | http://www.lymebayremovals.co.uk | 01297301380 |
01297301384 | OVERINGTON CARE LIMITED | Home Care Services | SEATON | info@overingtoncareltd.co.uk axevalley@hotmail.com | http://www.overingtoncareltd.co.uk | 01297301384 |
01297443153 | ROCK POINT INN LIMITED | Pubs | SEATON | | http://www.rockpointinn.com | 01297443153 |
01297444456 | PRECISION WATERJET LIMITED | Cutting Services & Supplies | SEATON | sales@precisionwaterjet.co.uk | http://www.precisionwaterjet.co.uk | 01297444456 |
01297444741 | MEW DEVELOPMENTS LTD | Builders | SEATON | | http://www.mewdevelopments.co.uk | 01297444741 |
01297551150 | NORTHCOTT BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. | Builders | SEATON | | http://www.nbcontractors.co.uk | 01297551150 |
01297560620 | BYMEAD HOUSE LIMITED | Nursing Homes | SEATON | | http://www.bymeadhouse.co.uk | 01297560620 |
01297624166 | HAMMETT FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. | Financial Advisers | SEATON | | | 01297624166 |
01297625068 | COTTAM & NORTHCOTT BUILDERS LIMITED | Builders | SEATON | | http://www.cottamandnorthcottbuilders.co.uk | 01297625068 |
01297625481 | C & S DISPLAYS LIMITED | Exhibition Stands | SEATON | info@candsdisplays.co.uk | http://www.candsdisplays.co.uk | 01297625481 |
01297625660 | MORGAN HEATING MAINTENANCE LIMITED | Boiler Cleaning, Servicing & Repair | SEATON | | | 01297625660 |
01297625830 | BEER QUARRY CAVES LIMITED | Tourist Attractions | SEATON | | http://www.beerquarrycaves.fsnet.co.uk | 01297625830 |
01297680282 | BEER QUARRY CAVES LIMITED | Tourist Attractions | SEATON | | http://www.beerquarrycaves.fsnet.co.uk | 01297680282 |
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