01133459751 | CIELO LIMITED | Cafes & Coffee Shops | WALSALL | roast@cielouk.com kingdom01132863534roast@cielouk.com | http://www.cielouk.com | 01133459751 |
01213213826 | THOUGHTS OF OTHERS LTD | Convalescent Homes | WALSALL | jim@thoughtsofothers.com sean@thoughtsofothers.com des@thoughtsofothers.com referrals@thoughtsofothers.com info@springhillhighschool.co.uk | http://www.thoughtsofothers.com | 01213213826 |
01213266002 | J.T. HAWKES (ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS) LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | WALSALL | | http://www.jth.co.uk | 01213266002 |
01213273525 | IMIRP RAPID PROTOTYPING LTD | Design & Development Engineers | ALDRIDGE | sales@imirp.co.uk | http://www.imirp.co.uk | 01213273525 |
01213581205 | T.G.S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LIMITED | Electricians & Electrical Contractors | WALSALL | | | 01213581205 |
01213843886 | KINGSBURY TRAINING CENTRE LIMITED | Training Services | WALSALL | | | 01213843886 |
01214498064 | PONTE DI LEGNO LTD | Italian Restaurants | WALSALL | | http://www.pontedilegno.co.uk | 01214498064 |
01214590292 | TRI-PLAS MOULDINGS LIMITED | Finished Plastic Products | WALSALL | sales@tri-plas.com | http://www.tri-plas.com | 01214590292 |
01215809623 | PRIME MACHINE TOOLS LIMITED | Machine Tools | WALSALL | | http://www.primemachinetools.com | 01215809623 |
01216222444 | THE LOFT LOUNGE LIMITED | Bistros | WALSALL | | http://www.theloftlounge.co.uk | 01216222444 |
01216326882 | CIELO LIMITED | Italian Restaurants | WALSALL | | http://www.cielobirmingham.com | 01216326882 |
01216931959 | TEAM UKI LIMITED | Electrical Appliances - Retail & Suppliers | WALSALL | helpline@teamuki.com | http://www.teamuki.com | 01216931959 |
01217080305 | SKYVIEW CONSERVATORY ROOFS LTD | Conservatories | WALSALL | info@skyviewroofs.co.uk | http://www.skyframe.uk.net | 01217080305 |
01217081188 | KEMWELL THERMAL LIMITED | Metal Heat Treatment | WALSALL | | http://www.kemwellthermal.com | 01217081188 |
01217667313 | HEARTLANDS MARBLE LIMITED | Fireplaces | WALSALL | | | 01217667313 |
01291424192 | ACTIONSMART ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED | Oil Waste Disposal | WALSALL | | http://www.actionsmart.co.uk | 01291424192 |
01355233755 | PRESTIGE SCAFFOLDING LIMITED | Scaffolding Erectors | WALSALL | | | 01355233755 |
01384411568 | F S LIFTING SERVICES LIMITED | Crane Suppliers & Services | WALSALL | | http://www.fsliftingservices.co.uk | 01384411568 |
01513571286 | KEMWELL THERMAL LIMITED | Metal Heat Treatment | WALSALL | | | 01513571286 |
01543221817 | BLACK & WHITE CONTRACTORS LIMITED | Groundwork Contractors | WALSALL | | http://www.blackandwhiteltd.net | 01543221817 |
01543676904 | J.P. JOSLIN LIMITED | Landscapers | WALSALL | | | 01543676904 |
01656857232 | THE LOFT LOUNGE LIMITED | Bistros | WALSALL | info@loftloungebar.com | http://www.loftloungebar.com | 01656857232 |
01675475572 | MOVERIGHT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Road Haulage Services | WALSALL | andrew@moverightinternational.com | http://www.moverightinternational.com | 01675475572 |
01675475590 | MOVERIGHT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Road Haulage Services | WALSALL | | http://www.moverightinternational.co.uk | 01675475590 |
01832272872 | WORRALL LEES ASSOCIATES LIMITED | Consulting Engineers | WALSALL | | http://www.wla.co.uk | 01832272872 |
01889574333 | ISO COVERS LIMITED | Insulation Materials | WALSALL | | http://www.isocovers.com | 01889574333 |
01889577347 | AUTO PARKING SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Traffic Control & Management | ALDRIDGE | | http://www.autoparkingsolutions.co.uk | 01889577347 |
01902771190 | ERECONOMIC CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | Builders | WALSALL | | http://www.ereconomic.co.uk | 01902771190 |
01902897096 | SUNRISE CRAFTS LIMITED | Art & Craft Shops | WALSALL | | http://www.sunrisecrafts.co.uk | 01902897096 |
01922452999 | A D P ALDRIDGE LTD | Car Accessories & Parts | WALSALL | | | 01922452999 |
01922640800 | ECL SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Shelving, Racking & Storage Products | WALSALL | sales@ban-air.com | http://www.ban-air.com | 01922640800 |
01922649716 | PALFREY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION | Community Centres | WALSALL | | http://www.palfreycommunity.co.uk | 01922649716 |
01922744888 | CALLOW SHOPFITTERS LIMITED | Shop Fitting Manufacturers | WALSALL | | http://www.callowshopfitters.co.uk | 01922744888 |
02070168858 | C.P.L. INTERIORS PLC | Office Fitting & Refurbishment | WALSALL | | http://www.cplinteriorsplc.com | 02070168858 |
02072972893 | CIELO LIMITED | Italian Restaurants | WALSALL | | http://www.cielorestaurant.co.uk | 02072972893 |
02085542991 | NEWBURY SERVICE STATION LIMITED | Petrol Stations | WALSALL | bparchive@bp.com mybpshares@capita.co.uk bpdistributionservices@bp.com shareholderuk@bp.com bpreports@precisionir.com ir@bp.com bpinvestorrelationsn@bp.com sustainabilityreport@se1.bp.com bpgeosust@bp.com bppress@bp.com uspress@bp.com sr@bp.com photogs@bp.com mail@jonchallicom.com info@studiobrunocohen.com mail@grahamtrott.com stuart@stuartconway.com rocky@rockykneten.com webassure@bp.com 3678mybpshares@capita.co.ukyo 5753bpdistributionservices@bp.com 4000shareholderuk@bp.com 1-800-965-5679bpreports@precisionir.com bpgeosust@bp.com.bp +1-281-366-4463uspress@bp.com +1-907-564-5143uspress@bp.com | http://www.bp.com | 02085542991 |
02087451200 | CIELO LIMITED | Recruitment Consultants | WALSALL | | http://www.cielotalent.com | 02087451200 |
07712422890 | S&G GROUNDWORKS LTD | Paving & Driveways | WALSALL | | | 07712422890 |
07837488337 | PRESTIGE SCAFFOLDING LIMITED | Scaffolding Erectors | WALSALL | | http://www.prestige-scaffolding.com | 07837488337 |
08458622757 | TMF LOGISTICS LIMITED | Courier Services | WALSALL | info@tmflogistics.co.uk | http://www.tmflogistics.co.uk | 08458622757 |
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