01293532732 | |
Company name | ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED |
Navigation and Streetview | Google Maps |
Contact phone | 01293532732 |
info@ultraice.eu | |
Web site | www.ultraice.eu/ |
Address | 21 BROADWALK |
Extended address | PINNER ROAD |
Town | HARROW |
County | MIDDLESEX |
Postcode | HA2 6ED |
Category | Ice Suppliers |
Phone number 01293532732 is used by UK company ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED.
ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED can be contacted by calling to 01293532732. ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED can be contacted by sending an e-mail to info@ultraice.eu. ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED's homepage is at www.ultraice.eu/.
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ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED is located at 21 BROADWALK, HARROW, MIDDLESEX (postcode HA2 6ED (51° 8' 19.56" N, 0° 10' 1.22" W)).
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Similar companies
ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED operates mainly in the business of Ice Suppliers. There are 26 other companies with the same activity:
Phone number | Company | Business category | Location | Company homepage | |
01189078063 | IMMEDIATE ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | http://www.iceimmediate.com | |
01202622267 | SOUTH COAST ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | WIMBORNE | http://www.southcoastice.com | |
01202718500 | CRYSTAL ICE SCULPTURES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | POOLE | http://www.crystalicesculptures.co.uk | |
01293532732 | ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | HARROW | info@ultraice.eu | http://www.ultraice.eu/ |
01342835348 | P S D ICE ART LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LINGFIELD | enquiries@psdiceart.co.uk | http://www.psdiceart.co.uk |
01413331919 | W.A.A. EDDIE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | GLASGOW | http://www.waaeddie.co.uk | |
01472345476 | DRY ICE UK LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | GRIMSBY | info@dryiceuk.com | http://www.dryiceuk.com |
01480213245 | ICE SCULPTURES LTD | Ice Suppliers | SANDY | info@icesculptures.ltd.uk | http://www.icesculptures.ltd.uk |
01592657509 | PURE ICE LTD | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | http://www.pureice.com | |
01595692956 | L.H.D. MARINE SUPPLIES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LOWESTOFT | richie@lhdshetland.co.ukbr brian@lhdshetland.co.ukga gspence@lhdshetland.co.ukan andrew@lhdshetland.co.ukha richie@lhdshetland.co.uk brian@lhdshetland.co.uk gspence@lhdshetland.co.uk andrew@lhdshetland.co.uk hazel@lhdshetland.co.uk smanson@lhdshetland.co.uk vaila@lhdshetland.co.uk clive@lhdshetland.co.uk andy@lhdshetland.co.uk james@lhdshetland.co.uk gbain@lhdshetland.co.uk christine@lhdshetland.co.uk eddie@lhdshetland.co.uk grant@lhdshetland.co.uk beth@lhdshetland.co.uk fiona@lhdshetland.co.uk dianne@lhdshetland.co.uk lynn@lhdshetland.co.uk gmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk gsmith@lhdshetland.co.uk awatt@lhdshetland.co.uk joe@lhdshetland.co.uk kmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk netstore@lhdshetland.co.uk | http://www.lhdshetland.co.uk |
01595880563 | L.H.D. MARINE SUPPLIES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LOWESTOFT | richie@lhdshetland.co.ukbr brian@lhdshetland.co.ukga gspence@lhdshetland.co.ukan andrew@lhdshetland.co.ukha richie@lhdshetland.co.uk brian@lhdshetland.co.uk gspence@lhdshetland.co.uk andrew@lhdshetland.co.uk hazel@lhdshetland.co.uk smanson@lhdshetland.co.uk vaila@lhdshetland.co.uk clive@lhdshetland.co.uk andy@lhdshetland.co.uk james@lhdshetland.co.uk gbain@lhdshetland.co.uk christine@lhdshetland.co.uk eddie@lhdshetland.co.uk grant@lhdshetland.co.uk beth@lhdshetland.co.uk fiona@lhdshetland.co.uk dianne@lhdshetland.co.uk lynn@lhdshetland.co.uk gmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk gsmith@lhdshetland.co.uk awatt@lhdshetland.co.uk joe@lhdshetland.co.uk kmullay@lhdshetland.co.uk netstore@lhdshetland.co.uk | http://www.lhdshetland.co.uk |
01606872086 | ICE SCULPTURES LTD | Ice Suppliers | SANDY | ||
01698269789 | THE ICE EXCHANGE LTD | Ice Suppliers | MIDDLESEX | ||
01727222609 | IMMEDIATE ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | http://www.iceimmediate.com | |
01915100541 | SUB ZERO LTD | Ice Suppliers | CHELMSFORD | http://www.subzeroiceart.com | |
01977655888 | J. MARR LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | SOUTH KIRKBY | http://www.j-marr.co.uk | |
02033301179 | IMMEDIATE ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | http://www.iceimmediate.com | |
02071646436 | JSN ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | READING | info@jsnice.co.uk | http://www.jsnice.co.uk |
02075153075 | BILLINGSGATE COLD STORES LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | ||
02077204883 | ESKIMO ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | CRAWLEY | http://www.eskimo-ice.co.uk | |
02085741113 | CRYSTAL ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | SOUTHALL | http://www.crystal-ice.co.uk | |
02890313996 | POLAR ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | WELLESBOURNE | info@polarice.co.uk | http://www.polarice.co.uk |
02891828866 | ARCTIC CUBES LTD | Ice Suppliers | NEWTOWNARDS | ||
07861675318 | BOW ICE CUBES LTD | Ice Suppliers | LONDON | ||
08000842040 | DRY ICE UK LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | GRIMSBY | info@dryiceuk.com | http://www.dryiceuk.com |
08001699610 | CRYSTAL ICE LIMITED | Ice Suppliers | SOUTHALL | http://www.crystal-ice.co.uk |
Further info
Further details about ULTRA ICE (UK) LIMITED, including its credit rating, can be found at Scoriff.